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Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Good Oil

Recently I turned 40.  I don't feel 40 - not emotionally anyway - I still feel like a 20-something. Sometimes I even act like a 20-something but with the added advantage of experience. I've made the dumb mistakes before, and have hopefully learned from them.

But although my mind still feels young, the bodies definitely not keeping up with the programme. It just knew - Jeff, you're coming up to 40 - it's about time we start giving you some middle age problems. And don't get me wrong, it wasn't all rosy before that - I have various ailments, but they weren't necessarily AGE-RELATED ailments.

It certainly makes you want for the younger years, and even makes you feel a little jealous of those dopey younglings ...

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Pre-Fortnightly Funny

Okay so it hasn't been a fortnight since the last cartoon, but here it is anyway...

I'm unashamedly a fan of Gary Larson. This cartoon took inspiration from any one of a thousand of his better drawn and funnier, darkly humorous pieces.  This was drawn in the days where you used paper with black dots for shading rather than the oh so easy paint bucket you have now, which may be why there's those weird horizontal lines in the image (or it could be the scanner - I don't know):

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Thursday, June 21, 2012

How to get him to help with the housework

I always wanted to make this blog a helpful resource, and I think you'd have to agree that, so far, it's achieved that goal with flying colours.  So please keep reading if you want another gem.

I've noticed in my chats with the ladies during school drop-off and pick-up that there's a common issue or gripe that they have with their male partners.  Housework.  The whole "man goes to work and woman stays home to look after the kids" scenario has been long gone.  However, whilst the ladies have gone back to work it doesn't seem that men have picked up the slack on the home front.

Well ladies (and men), I have the solution...

Turn those chores that your men don't like doing into EXTREME chores.  Disappointingly, this is not my idea, but has been going on for a few years now in the form of Extreme Ironing.  Yes, this is a real phenomenon (phenomena?)

Friday, June 15, 2012

Fortnightly Funny

I've been so busy lately that I haven't had a chance to post - nor have I had the energy.  Why? Well apart from a bathroom ceiling that is no longer where it should be due to some storms we've had recently, I've been spending a lot of time on a writing website called Authonomy.

I've put my children's book Super Ninja Alien Robot Monsters on there.  It's free to read.  In fact, there's a lot of books on there of every genre.  Mostly they are unpublished, so you may never see these books anywhere else - and if you do - you can say you saw them before they were popular.

Anyway, as a cop-out, and to ensure I post at least fortnightly (until life slows down), every two weeks I'm going to post one of my favourite cartoons.  They may not always be the funniest, but for some reason I really like them.

Creative Commons License
Journey into Stuff by Jeff Bilman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Please note, visitors to this website are solely responsible for the information they post. Any posting of copyrighted material is strictly prohibited and the owner of this website shall not be responsible for any copyrighted material uploaded by third parties.